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Comparative Analysis of Open-SSL Vulnerabilities & Heartbleed Exploit Detection
Eng. Mohanned Hassan Momani, Adam Ali.Zare Hudaib
Pages - 159 - 176     |    Revised - 10-07-2014     |    Published - 10-08-2014
Volume - 8   Issue - 4    |    Publication Date - August 2014  Table of Contents
SSL, TLS, BEAST Attack, CRIME Attack, Heartbleed Detection, RC4.
Since its introduction in 1994 the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol (later renamed to Transport Layer Security (TLS)) evolved to the de facto standard for securing the transport layer. SSL/TLS can be used for ensuring data confidentiality, integrity and authenticity during transport. A main feature of the protocol is its flexibility. Modes of operation and security aims can easily be configured through different cipher suites. During its evolutionary development process several flaws were found. However, the flexible architecture of SSL/TLS allowed efficient fixes in order to counter the issues. This paper presents an overview on theoretical and practical attacks of the last 20 years.
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1 Ghafoor, I., Jattalai, I., Durranit, S., & Ch, M. T. Analysis of OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability for Embedded Systems.
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Mr. Eng. Mohanned Hassan Momani
Sr. Information Security & Technology Consultant IT security trainer C|EI Security Wits Technologies Jordan - Jordan
Mr. Adam Ali.Zare Hudaib
Information & Cyber Security Expert Licensed penetration tester L|PT Sweden - Sweden

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