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A Review of Agent-Oriented Development Methodologies and Programming Languages/Frameworks
Khalil Salah, Ardavan Ashabi
Pages - 25 - 30     |    Revised - 10-08-2014     |    Published - 15-09-2014
Volume - 5   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - September 2014  Table of Contents
Computer Agents, Agent-Oriented Programming, Agent-Oriented Methodologies.
Agents are software systems and can be associated with an entity, framework, architecture and even languages. They are piece of program codes that are able to autonomously complete tasks. Before developing an agent, methodology to be used in development should be clarified and based on the methodology, suitable programming language and framework should be selected. This paper reviews three agent development methodologies (Prometheus, Tropos, and MaSE) and six agent-oriented programming languages/frameworks (MetateM, IndiGolog, Brahms, GOAL, JIAC, and Agent Factory).
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Mr. Khalil Salah
RES Malaysia - Malaysia
Mr. Ardavan Ashabi
Advanced Informatics School Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, 54100 - Malaysia

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