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Estimation of Age Through Fingerprints Using Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition
Gnanasivam P, Dr. S. Muttan
Pages - 58 - 67     |    Revised - 15-03-2012     |    Published - 16-04-2012
Volume - 6   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - April 2012  Table of Contents
Age Estimation, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Singular Value Decomposition, K-nearest Neighbor
The forensic investigators always search for fingerprint evidence which is seen as one of the best types of physical evidence linking a suspect to the crime. In this paper discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the singular value decomposition (SVD) has been used to estimate a person’s age using his/her fingerprint. The most robust K nearest neighbor (KNN) used as a classifier. The evaluation of the system is carried on using internal database of 3570 fingerprints in which 1980 were male fingerprints and 1590 were female fingerprints. Tested fingerprint is grouped into any one of the following five groups: up to 12, 13-19, 20-25, 26-35 and 36 and above. By the proposed method, fingerprints were classified accurately by 96.67%, 71.75%, 86.26%, 76.39% and 53.14% in five groups respectively for male and similarly classified by 66.67%, 63.64%, 76.77%, 72.41% and 16.79% in five groups respectively for female.
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Associate Professor Gnanasivam P
Agni College of Technology - India
Professor Dr. S. Muttan
Anna University - India

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