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NGOs Collaboration Strategies during the Covid-19 Pandemic First Lockdown: Poland and the United Kingdom
Chi Maher, Anna Czarczynaka
Pages - 28 - 42     |    Revised - 31-12-2021     |    Published - 30-04-2022
Volume - 13   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - April 2022  Table of Contents
Collaboration, NGOs, Covid-19, Public Policy.
Crises lead to inevitable changes in the direction of optimalization. Increasing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) collaboration with other NGOs, private, public-sector organizations, and the state to develop and provide much-needed social, health, and community services.

Through a case study of four NGOs, and semi-structured interviews with CEOs and Managers the paper examines the role of small NGO actors and strategies,inmaintaining broad-based collaborations, developing self-capacity. The paper explains ways of improving the overall interorganizational connectivity to tackle health, social, and community issues exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic first lockdown. The organizations in our study serve a range of vulnerable populations and demonstrated a deep understanding of their needs during the pandemic.

The research findings suggest that although Covid-19 further highlighted funding difficulties of the sector organizations; collaboration activities with other organizations as a joined-up approach enabled synergies of working together and delivering much-needed services to the community. Public policy pandemic lockdown, which was treated as a stress test, was unsatisfactory. We observed strong collaborations between NGOs and with the private sector, however, evidence is mixed as to how Covid-19 affected collaborations between the state and other sectors.
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Dr. Chi Maher
SFHEA- MBA (London Campus) Head of MBA Programme (London Campus) York St John University London, E14 2BA - United Kingdom
Dr. Anna Czarczynaka
Faculty of Economics, Kozminski University, Warsaw, 03-301 - Poland

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