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The Circular Economy and Its Effects on Reducing the Carbon Footprint in IKEA Company
Pedro Jimenez-Estevez, Juan Jose Blazquez-Resino, Santiago Gutierrez-Broncano, Luis Ferrer Bauza
Pages - 82 - 100     |    Revised - 31-10-2022     |    Published - 01-12-2022
Volume - 13   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - December 2022  Table of Contents
Circular Economy, Carbon Footprint Reduction, Environmental Sustainability, Case Study, Sustainable Economic Growth, Family Business.
While it is important to encourage industry, and in particular its companies, to reduce their carbon footprint, there is still little knowledge of the practices that need to be followed to achieve this. Even though companies are changing and are willing to shift step-by-step from their linear production model to a new circular economy paradigm (Kapsalis et al., 2019; MacArthur, 2012), there is still little information on how to implement such a paradigm. The present study aims to fill this gap using the IKEA family business circular economy model, which has been internationally recognized and applied in several countries for maximum ecological performance(Szerakowski, 2017). Analyzing the circular economy model of this multinational will help to identify carbon footprint reduction strategies to be followed in similar industries, but also in other types of industries. The fact that IKEA is particularly a family business, although it is also a multinational one, makes us think that the so-called socio-emotional wealth of family businesses and their interest in how to pass control of the business to the next family generation in the best way makes these companies different from the generality of companies and they are probably more willing to implement systems and practices to reduce their carbon footprint and thus leave the environment in the best possible way to the next generation.
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Dr. Pedro Jimenez-Estevez
Faculty of Law and Social Sciences/Business Administration/Business Organization Castilla-La Mancha University, Toledo, 45071 - Spain
Dr. Juan Jose Blazquez-Resino
Faculty of Social Sciences/Business Administration/Marketing, Castilla-La Mancha University, Talavera de la Reina, 45600 - Spain
Dr. Santiago Gutierrez-Broncano
Faculty of Social Sciences/Business Administration/Business Organisation, Castilla-La Mancha University, Talavera de la Reina, 45600 - Spain
Dr. Luis Ferrer Bauza
CEUNO University, Hermosillo, 83000 - Mexico

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