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Prototype Design of Monitoring Comrade Application (MONITOR KAWAN) during the Work From Home Period
Edo Yonatan Koentjoro, Mega Pandan Wangi, Pradita Maulidya Effendi, Kristin Lebdaningrum, Dwi Cahyo Putro
Pages - 1 - 8     |    Revised - 31-01-2022     |    Published - 28-02-2022
Volume - 16   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2022  Table of Contents
Work From Home, Covid-19, Monitoring, Tracking, Employees Location.
The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to hold regional community celebration activities to emphasize the deaths of Indonesian citizens due to the Covid-19 virus. Restrictions on community activities require 50% of workers in the essential sector and 100% of non-essential workers to work from home (WFH). Many companies rely solely on daily worker reports sent via email. The place to work during WFH is important to anticipate the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. If employees work more in cafes or public working spaces, the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus is higher. This study aims to design an application prototype for WFH employees that can access the website and android called Monitor Kawan. The website-based application is designed for company administrators, while employees and company leaders will use the Android-based application. This application works using the location point of the employee's Android device, which will be stored as an employee travel history.
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Mr. Edo Yonatan Koentjoro
Information System Department, Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, 60298 - Indonesia
Miss Mega Pandan Wangi
Film & Television Production Department, Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, 60298 - Indonesia
Miss Pradita Maulidya Effendi
Information System Department, Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, 60298 - Indonesia
Miss Kristin Lebdaningrum
IT Laboratory, Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, 60298 - Indonesia
Miss Dwi Cahyo Putro
Film & Television Production Department, Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, 60298 - Indonesia

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