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Development of an Efficient Computing Multilingualism Model for Diacritical Marks in Arabic and Hindi
Abu Sarwar Zamani, Nasser Al Arifi, Md. Mobin Akhtar
Pages - 356 - 367     |    Revised - 01-07-2011     |    Published - 05-08-2011
Volume - 5   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - July / August 2011  Table of Contents
Multilingualism, Diacritical Marks, Computing, Typographic
Language competence is a cognitive property of the individual speaker. There is a wide gap between commonly voiced representations of language, person, and place and actual practices of language use, identity assertion, and spatial occupation. It is noted that the one can focus on resolving related outstanding standardization issues in support of localization and multilingual requirements. This paper investigates the Diacritical marks and various typographic rules in Hindi and Arabic which are complex in multilingual documents. A computing Multilingualism model is developed which proposed a solution to the problem of position of Diacritical Marks in Multilingual documents. The developed model is found to be an efficient tool for solving the problem of positioning diacritical marks for multilingual fonts in True Type as well as Open Type format.
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Mr. Abu Sarwar Zamani
Shaqra University - Saudi Arabia
Professor Nasser Al Arifi
Shaqra University - Saudi Arabia
Md. Mobin Akhtar
- Saudi Arabia

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