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Advancements in Green Hydrogen Production using Seawater Electrolysis in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Hossam Al-johani , Zakariya Saleh, Abdulmalk Almalki , Abdulaziz Almalki, Hossam AbdelMeguid
Pages - 42 - 55     |    Revised - 30-08-2023     |    Published - 01-10-2023
Volume - 15   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - October 2023  Table of Contents
Solar Energy, PV, Green Hydrogen, Seawater Electrolysis.
The transition to green hydrogen holds immense potential for addressing the pressing challenges of climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. Firstly, green hydrogen production relies on renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, ensuring a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuel-based hydrogen production methods. By embracing green hydrogen, nations can effectively mitigate climate change and achieve their emissions reduction targets outlined in the Paris AgreementThe production of green hydrogen, while promising in terms of its environmental benefits, faces a significant hurdle in the form of high production costs.This paper aims to explore the potential cost reduction in hydrogen production by designing an efficient electrolyzer that utilizes seawater as a feedstock. The use of seawater offers numerous advantages, including its abundance and easy accessibility, which can significantly lower production costs.Using MATHLAB, the mathematical models were solved in order to better understand the equipment and determine a system that is efficient. Overall, the work provides illuminating information about the use of green hydrogen systems and highlights the critical role that theoretical and experimental research plays in lowering the cost of such systems.
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Mr. Hossam Al-johani
Student at Faculty of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tabuk; Tabuk 47913 - Saudi Arabia
Mr. Zakariya Saleh
Student at Faculty of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tabuk; Tabuk 47913 - Saudi Arabia
Mr. Abdulmalk Almalki
Student at Faculty of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tabuk; Tabuk 47913 - Saudi Arabia
Mr. Abdulaziz Almalki
Student at Faculty of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tabuk; Tabuk 47913 - Saudi Arabia
Associate Professor Hossam AbdelMeguid
Faculty of Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tabuk, Tabuk 47913, Saudi Arabia
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, El-Mansoura, 35516, Egypt - Saudi Arabia

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