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Social Innovation and Young Rural Entrepreneurship: Identifying an Integrated Research in Less Favored Portuguese Rural Territories
Maria João Horta Parreira, Mónica Freitas
Pages - 1 - 15     |    Revised - 11-09-2021     |    Published - 15-06-2022
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - January 31, 2022  Table of Contents
Youth Empowerment, Rural Development, Rural Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Territorial Cohesion.
Schumpeter’s entrepreneurship theory associates entrepreneurship not only with organizations of businesses but also with innovation, where the human factor is a key. Concepts as entrepreneurship, innovation, social innovation need to be better understood in specific contexts, as for instance in the rural development context, developing new approaches and models, criteria and metrics, to explore, experiment, evaluate and rescale good practices and procedures, to achieve the common goals. In several countries, rural communities are vulnerable to different threats, requiring measures for territorial cohesion and the resilience of people, communities and ecosystems. The recent Portuguese statute “Young rural businesspeople” (Decree Law 9/2019) creates incentives for attracting young entrepreneurs to less favored rural areas, contributing to the dynamization of local economies and the valorization of endogenous resources. Furthermore, that legal figure aims to promote entrepreneurship and synergies between agriculture and other economic sectors, revitalizing the rural society and rural-urban partnerships, one of the challenges of the Portuguese National Program for Territorial Cohesion. In this article, we analyze the concept of social innovation and its operationalization in the context of rural development and rural entrepreneurship, specifically for empowering young people. We present insights and results from a literature review and pilot research about the potential of social innovation, specifying the research required to design tailored place-based policies for rural areas, in line with the goals of both Portuguese and European Networks for Rural Development.
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Mrs. Maria João Horta Parreira
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH-NOVA), Lisbon, 1069-061 - Portugal
Mrs. Mónica Freitas
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH-NOVA), Lisbon, 1069-061 - Portugal

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