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Computational Linguistics and Audio-Visual Readability: Analysing Linguistic Features of Intralingual-Subtitles Corpora
Andrea Verdino
Pages - 33 - 46     |    Revised - 30-09-2019     |    Published - 31-10-2019
Volume - 10   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - October 2019  Table of Contents
Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Audio-Visuals, Subtitles, Sketch Engine.
This paper aims to evaluate a new perspective for computational linguistic studies, determining if it is possible to carry out a complete linguistic analysis on tendencies and features of audio-visual works (films, TV-shows, documentaries, videogames) by collecting original intralingual subtitles in POS-tagged linguistic corpora. Two corpora were made starting from textual materials of two ‘Netflix Original’ TV-series, in the attempt to provide a structured approach for further research on the linguistic aspects of subtitles.
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Mr. Andrea Verdino
Foreign Languages and Literature Department, Università degli Studi di Milano - Italy

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