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Interplay of Digital Forensics in eDiscovery
Sundar Krishnan, Narasimha Shashidhar
Pages - 19 - 44     |    Revised - 31-03-2021     |    Published - 30-04-2021
Volume - 15   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - April 2021  Table of Contents
Digital Forensics, eDiscovery, Electronically Stored Information (ESI), Security, Evidence Management.
Digital forensics is often confused with eDiscovery (electronic discovery). However, both the fields are highly independent of the other but slightly overlap to assist each other in a symbiotic relationship. With decreasing costs of cloud storage, growing Internet speeds, and growing capacity of portable storage media, their chances of being used in a crime have grown. Sifting through large volumes of evidential data during eDiscovery or forensically investigating them requires teams from both these fields to work together on a case. In this paper, the authors discuss the relationship between these disciplines and highlight the digital forensic skills required, sub-disciplines of digital forensics, the possible electronic artifacts that can be encountered in a case, and the forensic opportunities relative to the eDiscovery industry. Lastly, the authors touch upon the best practices in digital evidence management during the eDiscovery process.
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Mr. Sundar Krishnan
Department of Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX - United States of America
Dr. Narasimha Shashidhar
Department of Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX - United States of America

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