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Using Geographical Location as an Authentication Factor to Enhance mCommerce Applications on Smartphones
Torben Kuseler, Ihsan Alshahib Lami
Pages - 277 - 287     |    Revised - 15-07-2012     |    Published - 10-08-2012
Volume - 6   Issue - 4    |    Publication Date - August 2012  Table of Contents
Authentication, Location, mCommerce Applications, Security, Smartphone
Smartphones are increasingly used to perform mCommerce applications whilst on the move. 50% of all Smartphone owners in the U.S. used their Smartphone for banking transactions in the first quarter of 2011. This is an increase of nearly 100% compared to the year before. Current techniques used to remotely authenticate the client to the service provider in an mCommerce application are based on “static” authentication factors like passwords or tokens. The fact that the client is on the move, whilst using these mCommerce applications is not considered or used to enhance the authentication security. This paper is concerned with including client’s geographical location as an important authentication factor to enhance security of mCommerce applications, especially those requiring robust client authentication. Techniques to integrate location as an authentication factor as well as techniques to generation location-based cryptographic keys are reviewed and discussed. This paper further outlines restrictions of location as an authentication factor and gives recommendations about correct usage of client’s location information for mCommerce application’s authentication on Smartphones.
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Mr. Torben Kuseler
The University of Buckingham - United Kingdom
Dr. Ihsan Alshahib Lami
The University of Buckingham - United Kingdom

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