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A Review of Encryption Techniques in IoT Devices
Ahmet Furkan Aydogan, Cihan Varol, Amar Rasheed, Narasimha Karpoor Shashidhar
Pages - 17 - 37     |    Revised - 31-03-2023     |    Published - 30-04-2023
Volume - 14   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - April 2023  Table of Contents
Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, Hybrid Encryption, Lightweight Encryption, Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), Post-quantum encryption, IoT Security, IoT Encryption.
IoT devices are now frequently used in living spaces, education systems, military, police surveillance mechanisms and critical government systems. At the same time, cyberattacks against IoT devices are on the rise. The main element of protecting IoT security is encryption methods. However, it is difficult to say that each of the encryption methods with dozens of different approaches can provide security for IoT devices. This study examines symmetric, asymmetric, hybrid, lightweight, Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) and postquantum encryptions, which are among the encryption methods used to ensure IoT security. In addition, the study has a wide examination of the differences, advantages, disadvantages, complexity and costs between the mentioned methods. Finally, the study conveys the results of the examined encryption methods against popular attack methods. Our study reveals that while a small portion of current IoT encryption methods uses asymmetric or symmetric encryption methods, hybrid and lightweight encryption techniques make up most of the remaining work. Although lightweight methods have been getting popular in the IoT field, it does not create a balance between cost and security, unlike hybrid encryption methods.
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Mr. Ahmet Furkan Aydogan
Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, 77340 - United States of America
Professor Cihan Varol
Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, 77340 - United States of America
Professor Amar Rasheed
Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, 77340 - United States of America
Professor Narasimha Karpoor Shashidhar
Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, 77340 - United States of America

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