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Implicit Followership Theories In Organisational Settings and The Need to Account for Environmental Factors
Pui Yee Lee
Pages - 1 - 23     |    Revised - 28-07-2021     |    Published - 20-12-2021
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - December 20, 2021  Table of Contents
Implicit Followership Theories (IFTs), Followership, Organisational Behaviour, Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs), Leadership.
The introduction of implicit theories into organisational studies have beckoned renewed interest in the field of leadership and followership. Implicit Followership Theories (IFTs) in particular have been linked to follower job satisfaction, performance, leader liking and leader-follower relationships. Though the study of IFTs is relatively new, it seems to be trailing behind as compared to its counterpart, Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs). This paper therefore aims to review and critique the research that has been conducted thus far on IFTs that are relevant to organisational studies, highlighting the gaps in the field that calls for fulfilling in pursuance of IFTs prominence in organisational studies. More specifically, we draw insight from focusing on environmental and contextual factors as a compelling antecedent towards the determination of IFTs. From this research, we have discovered that while this point of view is not unfamiliar, it has remained as a secondary focal point to other factors. Variations between varying environments brought by the cultural difference of nations were observed in literature where independent studies were conducted yet overlooked as a consequence of experimentation. Results obtained therefore prove a demand for explicit and extensive studies to observe the diversity of IFTs from different environmental and cultural backgrounds.
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Miss Pui Yee Lee
School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS - United Kingdom

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