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Faith-based Leadership as an Art of Mastering Ambiguity
Stefan Jung
Pages - 15 - 28     |    Revised - 30-06-2022     |    Published - 31-03-2023
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - September 30, 2022  Table of Contents
Faith-based Leadership, Ambiguity, Spirituality, Hybrid Organizations.
This article addresses the relationship between leadership and faith-based spirituality in the context of organizational ambiguity.1 First, it argues that organizations increasingly face competing expectations from different institutional environments and stakeholders, inevitably leading to ambiguous and even contradictory situations of decision-making that managers must somehow deal with. Their learned economic theories and applied business management tools usually aim to dissolve ambiguities and contradictions in favour of a purely economic rationality. This leads to major conflicts between different stakeholder groups in many organizations, and this puts managers under enormous pressure because they cannot please everyone at the same time by making a decision. The question arises of how managers can learn to deal with ambiguity and contradictoriness in a more suitable way for multi-rational decision-making situations, and there is the argument that a certain form of faith-based spirituality can prepare leaders to deal with ambiguity and contradiction more appropriately. Finally, the article concludes by presenting four different strategies on how managers can deal with these phenomena of multiple rationalities in practice.
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Professor Stefan Jung
Professor for Management and Organization, YMCA University of Applied Sciences / CVJM-Hochschule Kassel, 34131 - Germany

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