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Production Portfolio of Christian Charities – Doing the Right Thing and Keeping the Mission
Steffen Flessa
Pages - 41 - 55     |    Revised - 30-06-2022     |    Published - 31-03-2023
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - September 30, 2022  Table of Contents
Charities, Christian Management, Greiner Curve, Nonprofit Organization, Production Portfolio.
Christian charities are non-profit organizations (NPO) built on the Christian virtue of love. However, being a Christian NPO does not automatically ensure that Christian management is practiced. In this paper, the production portfolio is seen as the main criterion to determine whether a Christian NPO is indeed following Christian principles in its management. A flow chart is developed to define four categories of product lines: Touchstones are services with high relevance to the mission of the organization but without sufficient funding. Stars also make an important contribution to the achievement of the target system and are well-financed. Cash cows receive sufficient funding as well, but are not (anymore) relevant for the achievement of the original mission of the organization. Goiters might have been touchstones, stars and cash cows in former times, but today they neither do fulfill the mission of the organization, nor do they produce a positive margin. Christian charities should develop touchstones by constantly seeking upcoming existential needs of people and developing respective services. However, there is a risk that older and growing Christian charities lose their calling. Based on the Greiner curve we argue that the management of these organizations must motivate and coach their staff so that they remain dedicated to the original mission while the organization faces severe crises. By a quick and comprehensive analysis of the production program and support for the staff in particular during transgression phases, Christian management in Christian charities becomes a reality.
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Professor Steffen Flessa
Department of Health Care Management, Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Greifswald 17487 Greifswald - Germany

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