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Faith and Management at Theological Seminaries
Johannes Schroeder
Pages - 71 - 87     |    Revised - 30-06-2022     |    Published - 31-03-2023
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - September 30, 2022  Table of Contents
Spiritual Leadership, Servant Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, Theological Education, Phenomenology.
Leadership for theological training institutions has been subject to the influences of the academization of the organizations and a concurrent professionalization of the leader’s role. The doctoral thesis “Leading evangelical seminaries in German-speaking Europe: A transcendental phenomenology” (Schroder, 2016) is an empirical phenomenology among lead administrators of protestant seminaries in the free-church context. It describes the participants’ experiences in their lived phenomenon of leadership within the theoretical frameworks of spiritual leadership, servant leadership, and workplace spirituality. Six lead administrators voice their experiences regarding their management responsibilities and their spirituality. This article will summarize the study while focusing on findings and themes on issues of faith and management. As the most profound theme emerged the leader’s spirituality as the primary source of motivation and meaning for the tasks and experiences contained within their leadership role.
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Dr. Johannes Schroeder
Dozent, Bible Seminary Bonn, Bornheim, 53332 - Germany

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