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B Corp Movement and the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: Ethnography of A Pharmaceutical Company
Sonia  Capucho Coutinho, Monica Freitas
Pages - 16 - 35     |    Revised - 11-09-2021     |    Published - 15-06-2022
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - January 31, 2022  Table of Contents
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Ethics, B Corp Movement, Ethnography In Companies, Certification.
Consideringthe emerging social and environmental needs, companies are beginning to awaken to the awareness that they must take responsibility for changing the business paradigm, whose objective does not have to be exclusively profit for their own benefit. This work focuses on the development of Corporate Social Responsibility practices and the transformation process into a B Corp company based on ethnographic research carried out in a Portuguese pharmaceutical company, which aims to understand the functioning, values and motivation for involvement with what they call the common good. Establishing a clear social or environmental improvement purpose and developing practices to achieve it is the basis for a company to become B Corp11. This work concludes that there is no recipe for a company to become B, taking into account that its performance depends on various internal and external factors, as well as its business area. However, it verified the undeniable weight of stakeholder networks in the adequacy of organizational values and practices according to the parameters dictated by social responsibility, including in the pharmaceutical sector.
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Mrs. Sonia  Capucho Coutinho
Phytoderm, Lisbon, 1069-061 - Portugal
Mrs. Monica Freitas
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH-NOVA), Lisbon, 1069-061 - Portugal

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