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Civic Crowdfunding At The Intersection with Multi-Stakeholder Engagement: An Approach To Co-Create Public Value
Veronica Giuliani, Manuela Barreca
Pages - 64 - 81     |    Revised - 23-12-2021     |    Published - 15-06-2022
Volume - 13   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date -   Table of Contents
Civic Crowd Funding, Stakeholder Engagement, Co-creation, Public Value, Cultural and Creative Sector.
In an era of increasing citizen needs, financial constraints, and dwindling trust in government, the traditional top-down approach to providing public services and goods is often flanked by innovative strategies of multi-actor involvement to attract new investments and generate public value, social wellbeing, and inclusion. Many areas of the public sector respond to these challenges by increasingly recurring to civic crowdfunding. The cultural sector is an ideal domain for exploring this emerging trend. This article proposes a theoretical framework conceptually integrating civic crowdfunding and stakeholder management to examine the creation of public value as a process involving different actors of society. Adopting a multiple case study analysis based on five projects realized in the city of Milan. The results highlight how project initiators and stakeholders co-create public values to satisfy their needs and interests in logic of social responsibility and mutual benefit confirming how civic crowdfunding goes beyond fundraising but becomes a source of participation in the creation of public value. Finally, implications for both academics and professionals are discussed and ideas for future research presented.
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Dr. Veronica Giuliani
Dipartimento di Studi per l'Economia e l'Impresa, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 28100 Novara (No), Via Perrone n. 18 - Switzerland
Dr. Manuela Barreca
Faculty of Economics / Institute of Economics, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, 6900 - Switzerland

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