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International Journal of Business Research Management (IJBRM)
An International peer-review journal operated under CSC-OpenAccess Policy.
ISSN - 2180-2165
Published - Bi-Monthly   |   Established - 2010   |   Year of Publication - 2024

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September 30, 2024

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July 31, 2021
November 1, 2021


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Contemporary Business Challenges and Opportunities of doing business within the African Context : Key insights for the fourth Industrial Revolution (SIBRM5)
Dr. Tinashe Chuchu (tinashe.chuchu@wits.ac.za)
   University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
Dr. Eugine Tafadzwa Maziriri (MaziririET@ufs.ac.za)
   University of the Free State, Department of Business Management (South Africa)

This proposed International Journal of Business Research and Management) special issue focuses on different business issues that are confronted by African entrepreneurs and small businesses. It also seeks to present the opportunities that have emerged for businesses as a result of the fourth industrial revolution. Research on Africa’s business potential has sparked much interest from scholars that focus on different fields of African business.

Doing business is important for economic development because it is positively associated with a multitude of externalities of economic development, including the creation and sharing of wealth; employment opportunities; balanced economic and regional prosperity; exports; living standards; gross domestic product (GDP); and GDP per capita (Adu-Gyamfi, Kuada & Asongu, 2018). The African continent is lagging behind in all these characteristics relative to other regions of the world, reflecting inherent challenges to doing business on the continent that restrict entrepreneurship and favorable business environments required for investment and economic prosperity (Tchamyou, 2017).

Second, amid a paradigm shift towards market-based growth, improved political and economic governance, significant challenges to doing business in Africa are still evident and economic governance as well as a conducive global environment that has set the pace for Africa’s recent economic growth resurgence (Tchamyou, 2018). Although some avenues of economic prosperity are articulated by the underlying progressive characteristics, they do not however, provide adequate justification for the type of holistic and sustainable development that the continent needs. Businesses in Africa are also faced with overwhelming social, political and economic risks that are hindered by long term investment decisions and the introduction of policies for sustainable growth.

Business problems in Africa are often driven by discrepancies in established literature. Accordingly, the literature on the ease of doing business in Africa has predominantly focused on, inter alia: the cost of doing business (Eifert, Gelb & Ramachandran, 2008); legal challenges to doing business (Taplin & Synman, 2004); determinants of doing business in East Africa (Khavul, Bruton & Wood, 2009); the rate at which business cycle synchronization is affected by trade (Tapsoba, 2010); the long-term poverty-mitigation impact of doing business (Mensah & Benedict, 2010); motivations underlying the intentions of students to become entrepreneurs (Gerba, 2012); gender-related factors (Bayraktar & Fofack, 2018); the relevance of social networks and human capital (Kuada, 2009);role of the knowledge economy in doing business (Tchamyou, 2017); the relevance of doing business in inclusive human development (Asongu & Odhiambo, 2019) and linkages between information technology, openness, governance and entrepreneurship (Asongu, Nwachukwu & Orim, 2018).

To the best of our knowledge of the guest editors, there are still deficiencies in studies on the challenges and prospects of doing business in contemporary African development literature. Hence this special issue complements the engaged literature by providing papers on the challenges as well as opportunities of doing business in Africa, precisely within the 4IR context. The goal of Industry 4.0 is to attain an advanced level of operational effectiveness and productivity, as well as a higher level of automatization. Thus, this special issue is also centred on identifying the role of Industry 4.0 in order to promote sustainable business performance among African Businesses such as Small and Medium Enterprises. The guest editors welcome both empirical and conceptual papers, and would welcome papers on the afore-discussed topic.

* The role of technology in overcoming constraints to entrepreneurship, innovation and business development in Africa
* Technology adoption for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as a result of 4IR
* Product innovation success and failure in Africa
* How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected African Business in today’s post-modern era
* Expectations concerning company’s operational effectiveness and business model increase due to industry 4.0.
* This Special Issue also welcomes papers focused on the latest challenges and opportunies on Agric- Business, Consumer Behaviour, Banking Services and Customers in Africa

Covid-19, Buiness, Entreprenuiship, Customers.

[1] Bayraktar, N., &Fofack, H., (2018). “A Model for Gender Analysis with Informal Productive and Financial Sectors”, Journal of African Development, 20(2), pp. 1-20.
[2] Asongu, S. A., &Tchamyou, V. S. (2016).“The impact of entrepreneurship on knowledge economy in Africa”. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 8(1), pp.101–131.
[3] Asongu, S. A., &Odhiambo, N. M., (2019). “Doing Business and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies; DOI: 10.1108/AJEMS-05-2018-0132.
[4] Gerba, D. T. (2012).“Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of business and engineering students in Ethiopia”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 3(2), pp. 258-277.
[5] Kuada, J., (2009). “Gender, Social Networks, and Entrepreneurship in Ghana”, Journal of African Business, 10(1), pp. 85-103.
[6] Mensah, S. N., & Benedict, E., (2010). “Entrepreneurship training and poverty alleviation: Empowering the poor in the Eastern Free State of South Africa”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 1(2), pp. 138-163.
[7] Tapsoba, S. J-A., (2010). “Trade Intensity and Business Cycle Synchronicity in Africa”, African Development Review, 22(1), pp. 149-172.
[8] Khavul, S., Bruton, J. D., & Wood, E., (2009). “Informal Family Business in Africa”, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 33(6), pp. 1219-1238.
[9] Adu-Gyamfi, R., Kuada, J., &Asongu, S. A., (2018). “An Integrative Framework for Entrepreneurship Research in Africa”, African Governance and Development Institute Working Paper, Yaoundé.
[10] Tchamyou, V. S., (2017). “The Role of Knowledge Economy in African Business”.Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 8(4), pp. 1189-1228.
[11] Tchamyou, V. S., (2018). “Education, Lifelong learning, Inequality and Financial access: Evidence from African countries”, Contemporary Social Science. DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1433314.
[12] Taplin, R., &Snyman, M., (2004).“Doing business in South Africa’s new mining environment: A legal perspective”, CIM Bulletin, 97(1078), pp. 91-98.
[13] Eifert, B., Gelb, A., & Ramachandran, V., (2008).“The Cost of Doing Business in Africa: Evidence from Enterprise Survey Data”, World Development, 36(9), pp. 1531-1546.
[14] Ado, A. and Wanjiru, R. (2018), "International business research challenges in Africa: Knowledge creation and institutional perspectives", critical perspectives on international business, Vol. 14 No. 2/3, pp. 188-209. https://doi.org/10.1108/cpoib-12-2016-0067.