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Stakeholder Roles In Improving Occupational Health and Safety (OHS): A Case Study of Bangladesh Garment Industry
Nilima Mausumi
Pages - 51 - 61     |    Revised - 30-06-2017     |    Published - 01-08-2017
Volume - 8   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - August 2017  Table of Contents
RMG Sector, Stakeholders' Roles, CSR, OHS, Workers Safety and Working Conditions.
Deplorable working environment raised public scrutiny in many developing countries of the world. To Ensure social responsibilities of business, worker rights, safe working environment in the factories, different stakeholder groups work together to do business uninterruptedly in many sectors including garment industry. The article presents a conceptualization of stakeholder theory on Occupational Health and Safety in the Bangladesh Ready-made Garment Industry (RMG) that emphasizes the role and possible contribution of the stakeholders. The paper finds that establishing good relationship between owners and workers, ensuring good governance, building brighter image of the sector to the world, and taking sustainable reform initiatives are main challenges facing the Bangladesh RMG sector in improving the current working environment. Stakeholders can contribute significantly to improve the situation. It is found that government and garment owners can play prime roles while other stakeholders also have good space for improving safety issues from their standpoints.
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3 Mausumi, N. (2018). Role of Government in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility: Analysis of the Bangladesh Ready-made Garment (RMG) Industry. Global Journal of Management And Business Research.
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Miss Nilima Mausumi
Assistant Director, Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh - Bangladesh

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