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The Contribution of Social Preferences to Relational Social Constructionist Leadership: Reciprocal Fairness and Incentive Systems
Anastassia Zannoni
Pages - 1 - 27 | Revised - 28-02-2023 | Published - 01-04-2023
Relational Social Constructionist Leadership, Heterogeneous Preferences, Reciprocal Fairness, Incentive Systems, Strategic Interaction.
What is the optimal motivational system resulting from the interaction dynamics among
heterogeneous individuals? This conceptual article wishes to convey practical relevance to the
Relational Social Constructionist view of Leadership (RSCL) by emphasizing the role of the
manager’s strategic choice in handling the conditioning exerted by the personal dimension in
leadership processes. Acknowledging the relevance of the personal constructs as an essential
situational factor from which the leader-follower relationship arises, the article points out that the
optimal incentive system is not independent of the interaction mechanisms between selfinterested
and inequity-averse individuals. At the same time, it also shows that the strategic
environment evoked by the incentive systems, in turn, is able to affect individual preferences and
their interaction. The underlying purpose is to assess how reciprocal fairness is able to affect the
context dynamics in which, according to RSCL, leadership processes are embedded and occur.
Therefore, this contribution is intended for all scholars and practitioners who require to
understand what the theoretical and practical value of including the influence flows emerging from
social construction processes actually is. In particular, by taking a view that aims to increase
awareness about the effect of social preferences in relationship dynamics, the presented findings
may have the potential to widen the meaning of management theory and practice.
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Miss Anastassia Zannoni
Department of Management and Law, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, 00133 - Italy
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