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Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Cooperatives
Enterprises: A Literature Review
Gian Luigi Core, Gianluca Antonucci, Michelina Venditti, Antonio Gitto
Pages - 43 - 62 | Revised - 30-04-2024 | Published - 01-06-2024
Cooperatives, Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Literature review.
In recent years, the relationship between digital transformation and sustainability has been widely discussed by scholars in various organisational contexts and disciplines.
This study is concerned with analysing these two concepts in the context of cooperative enterprises.
The interest in investigating Digital Transformation and sustainability arises from the way cooperatives strive to achieve their goals, which often differ significantly from those of public and for-profit enterprises.
The objective of this research is, therefore, to develop a literature review that discusses the digital transformation and sustainability of cooperatives, identifying their main characteristics and providing some insights for future research.
This research highlights aspects related to the cooperative sector and proposed an additional lens to analyse the phenomena of digitalisation and sustainability.
This study is concerned with analysing these two concepts in the context of cooperative enterprises.
The interest in investigating Digital Transformation and sustainability arises from the way cooperatives strive to achieve their goals, which often differ significantly from those of public and for-profit enterprises.
The objective of this research is, therefore, to develop a literature review that discusses the digital transformation and sustainability of cooperatives, identifying their main characteristics and providing some insights for future research.
This research highlights aspects related to the cooperative sector and proposed an additional lens to analyse the phenomena of digitalisation and sustainability.
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Mr. Gian Luigi Core
University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 66100 - Italy
Mr. Gianluca Antonucci
University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 66100 - Italy
Mr. Michelina Venditti
University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 66100 - Italy
Mr. Antonio Gitto
University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 66100 - Italy
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