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Using Grammar Extracted from Sample Inputs to Generate Effective Fuzzing Files
Hamad Al Salem, Jia Song
Pages - 146 - 168     |    Revised - 30-09-2021     |    Published - 31-10-2021
Volume - 15   Issue - 5    |    Publication Date - October 2021  Table of Contents
Software Testing, Fuzzing, Grammar Analysis, Security Testing.
Software testing is an important step in the software development life cycle. It focuses on testing software functionalities, finding vulnerabilities, and assuring the software is executing as expected. Fuzzing is one of the software testing techniques which feeds random input to programs and monitors for abnormal behaviors such as a program crash. One of the limitations of fuzzing is that most of the fuzzers require highly structured input or certain input pattern; otherwise, the fuzz testing may be terminated at the early stage of the program execution because of not meeting the input format requirements. Some fuzzers resolve this problem by manually creating program specific input grammars to help guide fuzzing, which is tedious, error prone, and time consuming. In addition, this solution cannot work efficiently when testing multiple programs which require different input patterns. To solve this problem, a general grammar-based fuzzing technique is proposed and developed in this paper. The new fuzzer can extract grammar from the sample input files of a program, and then generate effective fuzzing files based on the grammar. This fuzzing tool is able to work with different programs by extracting grammar from them automatically and hence generate program specific fuzzing files. The fuzzing tool is fast and can find a crash in a short time. From the experiments, it successfully crashed 79 (out of 235) programs of the DARPA CGC dataset.
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Mr. Hamad Al Salem
Computer Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 83844 - United States of America
Dr. Jia Song
Computer Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 83844 - United States of America

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